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Monday 23 April 2012

How Does the Media and the Messages Brought to Us Affect of "Identity"?

The media is everywhere. On television, internet, magazines, even in schools and on the streets. Almost everywhere you look, there is something being advertised in one way or another. These advertisements send out messages to people that strongly affect our "identity" or who we are/will become. Now how does this happen? 

                Companies have targetted a certain group of people for their products. For instance, a clothing company such as American Eagle or Hollister would target teenagers, therefore, they need to think of a way to sell their products to these teenagers. In order to do this, they send out advertisements of teens wearing (or not wearing) their line of clothing.

One may also be affected by the prices of the product. They may feel like they fit in better if they have a more expensive brand than the cheap Walmart clothes, and since they wear these more expensive clothes, they now fit in with the rest of the teenage population.

This can change a person's identity because once someone sees these images and these advertisements,  they may feel they need to have the product, or they need to change so they can be like the person in the ad.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN sister! I love this! Its the complete truth, especially the hollister thing. Their ads always have people in barely any clothing.
